Lumber & Engineered Wood - Boards

Sierra Pacific Industries

Sierra Pacific's reliable and workable lumber is widely used in residential and light commercial construction.

Subcategory: Boards, Dimension, Studs
Species: Green Doug Fir, Hemlock, KD Doug Fir, KD Fir-Larch, KD Hem-Fir, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, White Fir


WynnWood boards are produced on the finest, most productive and environmentally sound board finishing line in the world. With its incredible control and delicate handling of the raw material, we are able to maximize quality and grade, minimize trim loss, and create our new line of high end 2&BTR WynnWood Premier Plus.

WynnWood produces exacting patterns in a number of species and grades with very short turnaround.

Subcategory: Boards
Species: EnglemanSpruce / LodgepolePine
Type: Patterns